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Bunker PL 20 Lixhe

This is bunker PL 20 from sector Pontisse-Lixhe from the 4th line of defense for the city of Liège, la Position Fortifiée de Liège (PFL) and belongs to fort Pontisse. It is the last bunker from this sector.

This bunker on the edge of the road south of the village of Loën and the bridge over the Albert Canal. The bunker had to defend the village from the south. The bunker was equipped with either with two machine guns, or a machine gun and a 47 mm anti-tank gun.

The gun openings are bricked up. The entrance is hidden under a layer of earth that has been placed against it over the years. As a result, the bunker can no longer be viewed inside.

The walls and ceiling of the bunkers from the PFL line are 1.3 meters thick and made of reinforced concrete. They could withstand shelling with 150mm shells. These bunkers were built in the early 1930s.

When after the war the bunkers lost their strategic value for the defense of Belgium, the metal of the hatches and doors was sold as scrap metal. Also, most of the plots on which they were located have been sold, so many bunkers now are on private plots.

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  • Text: Ed Lewandowski
  • Photos: Ed Lewandowski