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French Monument

French monument

The cemetery at Klooster Frenswegen.
During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 - 1871, the Frenswegen monastery served as a prison camp. Between 450 and 600 French prisoners of war were interned here.

During the internment, a smallpox epidemic broke out among the prisoners. Seven prisoners died of the disease. The dead were buried in a small cemetery next to the monastery.

For every deceased Frenchman there was originally a cross on the grave with his name on it. Because they were weathered, they were removed in the 1960s. At the same time, the small cemetery was surrounded by a hedge and the interior has since been accessed through a gate.

In the center is a sandstone base with a cross, erected by fellow French prisoners. The names of the deceased are written on the base. On the front and back you read:

A la Mémoire des soldiers de France in 1870-1871 R.I.P.
Erige par leurs Compatriotes - (In memory of the French soldiers who died between 1870 and 1871. May they rest in peace. Erected by their countrymen.)

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  • Text: Traces of war
  • Photos: Willem Visser