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The Walking Tour of the Ardennes Hunters in Bodange - Panel 1

Translation of the main text on the information panel:

The general alarm
On Friday, May 10, 1940, Bodange, a village in the Sūre valley, wakes up earlier than usual. General alarm: the Germans are at our doorsteps. The hamlet is located at the intersection of 2 roads, one coming from Martelange, the other from Warnach. In addition, there are 2 bridges: one over the river Sūre, the other over the Basseille stream.
Bodange is also on the path of the 1st Panzer Division under the command of General Kirchner. According to the plan (Fall GELB), they must reach Neufchāteau that same day and race on to Sedan via Bertrix and Bouillon.
The 5th Company of the Ardennes Hunters was deployed in Bodange under the command of Commander Bricart. The general mission of the Ardennes Hunters is to slow down the enemy at the border, make the roads impassable for the enemy and then withdraw to a defense line along the Meuse (Namur – Givet).

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  • Text: Barry van Veen
  • Photos: Barry van Veen

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