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The Walking Tour of the Ardennes Hunters in Bodange - Panel 3

Translation of the main text on the information panel:

The Stein under siege
The second platoon is based on the slope known as "Stein". Lieutenant Paul Docquier is in position there with two machine guns pointed towards the forest of Anlier and to the south of Wisembach.
Sergeant Renauld and his men join Lieutenant Docquier's platoon after leaving their former stronghold in Wisembach (towards Martelange).
The 'Stein' platoon comes under heavy fire from the height of the "Fieltz" hill on the other side. Lieutenant Docquier, with trumpeter Godefroid next to him, were killed. Stral and Bourgeois have been captured by soldiers coming from the forest. The survivors retreat to the Basseille and to the mill of the Perrad family where Commander Bricart's command post is located.
Cut off from its upper echelon and without orders to retreat, Commander Bricart's 5th Company resists, while their original mission is merely to delay the enemy.
Thanks to this unexpected resistance and as a result of the destruction of the bridges, the Germans remained on site for more than 6 hours. After several hours of fighting, Commander Bricart decides to leave his command post in the mill and withdraw with a number of men to the heights of Traquebois, at a distance of ± 1.5 km in the direction of Fauvillers. During this retreat he is shot and killed together with 2 of his soldiers.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Barry van Veen
  • Photos: Barry van Veen

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