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The Walking Tour of the Ardennes Hunters in Bodange - Panel 4

Translation of the main text on the information panel:

The Devèze bunkers and the Platoon South
Two small concrete shelters were built at the entrance to the village along the road coming from Wisembach: one looking towards Bodange, the other towards Wisembach.
On May 10 they were not occupied because some Ardennes Hunters were on leave for agricultural work or were in training. Nevertheless, they serve as decoys because their position is well known to the enemy. The Germans think they are occupied and they flank them along the tram line and, from Wisembach, through the fields and forests.
In Wisembach, about 500 m from here, a small detachment under the command of Sergeant Renauld has been deployed with two machine guns aimed at the slate quarry of Martelange (current campsite) and at the bridge over the Sûre. They dominate the street.
From this position, Sergeant Renauld and his soldiers see the Ardennes Hunters of Commander Kelecom's 4th company, coming from Martelange on their heavy bicycles with a pack of 40 kg.
After long hours of waiting, the enemy arrives via the Old Roman road at the height of Warnach. The progress to Bodange along the tram line (current cycle path). But the Germans also come from the south of the village of Wisembach through the forest of Anlier. Given the risk of being flanked, Sergeant Renauld must place one of his machine guns in that direction.
Order is given to Sergeant Renauld to withdraw to Lieutenant Docquier's platoon on the "Stein" to reinforce him.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Barry van Veen
  • Photos: Barry van Veen

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