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The Walking Tour of the Ardennes Hunters in Bodange - Panel 5

Translation of the main text on the information panel:

The occupied houses
Lieutenant Autphenne has placed his command post in a house with a view of the "Dahl", the street that goes down from Warnach. There he came under fire from the German artillery and he then chose to withdraw to the houses of the "Rue Haute", whose walls, 80 cm to 120 cm thick, gave him better protection.
From this new position the Ardennes Hunters have an view over he road from Warnach and the tram route along which the German scouts will arrive. An unequal fight begins: 60 Ardennes Hunters against the leading elements of a panzer division. Around 6 p.m., without ammunition, the Ardennes Hunters will be forced to surrender. The strong resistance of this platoon throughout the afternoon thus slowed down the progress of the German army.
The German losses are great. Nine Ardennes Hunters were killed: Maurice Bricart, Paul Docquier, Gilbert Godefroid, Emile Ledoux, Léon Mangin, Charles Meeuws, Robert Simon, Jules Thiry and Fernand Weis. Also about twenty Ardennes Hunters are injured.

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  • Text: Barry van Veen
  • Photos: Barry van Veen

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