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War Memorial Tongrinne

War memorial at Tongrinne to commemorate the military and the civilian victims of the First and the Second World War.

Inscription on the monument (translation) : "TONGRINNE / TO HIS HEROES / 1914-1918 / 1940-1945".
Left panel
MICHAUX Emile, sergeant 9th Line Regiment, Moorslede 14 October 1918
TOURNEUR Arthur, soldier Fortress Regiment, Suarlée 24 August 1914
GILLAIN Fernand, deported Hof (D) 18 February 1917
PAULUS Roger, executed in Chastre on 25 August 1914
SCHLIT DésIré, victim of the mass execution in Tamines on 22 August 1914
MARLOYE Edouard, Second Lieutenant, Ooigem 24 May 1940
HALLEUX Fernand, civilian shot in Grand-Manil on 5 September 1944
GURHEM Germain, soldier Brigade Piron, Auberville (F) 21 August 1944
Right panel
DUBOIS Maurice , political prisoner died in deportation in Gros-Rosen (D) on 12 January 1945
BEFAYS Emile, deported, Bad Langensalza (D) 20 May 1945
BERGER Léonard, Bois Jean, 6 September 1944
DECKER Fernand, civilian died in Essars, Pas- de-Calais (F) 24 May 1940
DEPIREUX Gustaver, victim of aerial bombardment at Saulzoir Cambre (F) 19 May 1940
DRION Georges, victim of aerial bombardment at Ligny on 11 May 1940
GEGO Olympe, victim of aerial bombardment at Tongrenelle on 12 May 1940
GEGO Valentine, victim of aerial bombardment at Tongrenelle on 12 May 1940

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  • Text: Luc Van Waeyenberge
  • Photos: Luc Van Waeyenberge