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Memorial to Victims of National Socialism

The monument is a plaque that is intended to kill the victims of all degeneracy and that will be vervolgd en stierven tijdens het national-socialisme, even as all of them are lost, taken in the burgerdoden van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, even as the opproep om op te comen voor de verdediging vanze democratic constitutional state en om zich te verzetten tegen haat en agitatie.

The inscription on the memorial plaque reads:

"We remember

We remember all those who were persecuted and died during the National Socialist regime because they were denied basic human rights, as well as all those who are missing, fallen and civilians who died in the Second World War.

We particularly remember here all those who were humiliated, robbed, expelled, persecuted, mistreated, dehumanized, exploited and murdered in our region:

- Jewish citizens
- Roma, Sinti and Jehovah's Witnesses
- the political opposition and trade union members
- Soviet prisoners of war
- civilian forced laborers deported to the region from occupied territories
- victims of forced sterilization and murder of the sick by the National Socialists (extermination of "life unworthy of life")
- homosexuals persecuted for "degenerate" behavior

Many participated in the persecution of the victims.

Too many profited from the exploitation and expropriation of the persecuted.

Too few resisted within the scope of their possibilities. Too many watched idly.

We warn
The destruction of democracies begins with the exclusion,
disenfranchisement and dehumanization of individual groups.

We demand
Defend the democratic constitutional state!
Do not accept hatred and incitement!
Intervene against it in good time!
Respect all fellow human beings!
Keep the peace!

The citizens of the city of Nideggen, May 8, 2022"

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Hans Tasma