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Information Board 14-18 Sambre Rouge - Linking Two Army Corps

Information board near the French Monument of 22 August 1914.

Aiseau lay on the edge of the sectors occupied by the 3rd and the 10th French Army Corps. The village was occupied in turn by troops belonging to these two great units. In the morning of 21 August, two companies of the 74th Infantry Regiment (IR) occupied the area. During the afternoon, they made contact with the two companies that were falling back from Roselies under the pressure of the enemy.

The two battalions of the 74th IR that were to attack Roselies arrived in Aiseau that night, at around 10.00 pm. When they left, the village was occupied by units of the 136th IR belonging to the 10th French Army Corps, so as to provide a link between the two Army Corps.

Early in the morning on 22 August, in the fog, the 25th IR of the 10th French Army Corps overtook the leading units of the 136th IR, attacked the hamlet of Ménonry and occupied it.

Unfortunately, the 25th and 136th IR’s were cut off and threatened by the powerful advance of the German units, and the withdrawal of the units of the 3rd Army Corps in Roselies.

They in turn were forced to fall back towards Presles and Le Roux in the morning of 22 August. They retreated, fighting every step of the way under heavy fire. Following on from this, the two units took part in the battles of Belle-Motte, were the 20th French Division to which they belonged was engaged.

The battles cost the lives of 11 local people from Aiseau, and 116 houses in the village were destroyed.

Franch losses : 25th Infantry Regiment: 124 killed, 136th Infantry Regiment: 112 killed.
German losses : 94 killed.

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  • Text: Luc Van Waeyenberge
  • Photos: Luc Van Waeyenberge

50.425216, 4.586866