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Memorial Maissin

At the start of the First World War on August 22 and 23, 1914, heavy fighting took place in the Maissin area between the French and German armies.
The civilian population was also affected by the atrocities of the Germans.

On August 18, 2024, during the annual commemoration, a new memorial plaque was unveiled at the old town hall in connection with the events of August 1914.

"En souvenir de la bataille de Maissin
A la mémoire de ses morts et de ses camarades de la 12e division
En témoignage de reconnaissance aux habitants de Maissin.
L’amicale du 19e RI Maissin-Brest
22 août 1914-1929"

Translated: "Memory of the Battle of Maissin
Memory of his dead and their comrades of the 12th division
As a testimony of gratitude to the inhabitants of Maissin..
The friends of the 19th RI Maissin-Brest
August 22, 1914 -1929"

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  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Marie-Christine Vinck

49.964503, 5.178911