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Castle Santa Cristo de Paso Alto

"Castle of Santa Cristo de Paso Alto 1670
Built on a small fort called Santo Cristo, when it was rebuilt in 1782 it became the second castle of importance in the defence of the port of Santa Cruz.
In the attacks of the British squadrons under the English Admirals Blake !1657), Jennings (1706) and Nelson (1797) the enemy ships were heavily damaged by the artillery.
In 1797 it had two platforms, the upper one under the orders of Captain Vicente Rosigue had 11 guns and the lower one, under the command of Lieutenant Tomas Hernandez had 4 pieces. Its garrison was 55 artillerymen.
For many years in its embrasures sat the canons, 'El Tigre', 'Orrible', 'Imbencible', 'Espanto' and 'Torpe'.
In 1951 it was declared unsuitable for defence."

The castle was built at a point where the prevailing winds and currents forced ships to sail close to the coast. During the attack more than 40 rounds were fired at the castle but none scored hits.

"In homage to the courage and decision of the anonymous peasant woman from the San Andres valley. On dawn of the 22nd July 1797, she was taking her produces to sell at the Santa Cruz market, when she observed that a large fleet of boats commanded by rear Admiral Horatio Nelson, was heading to land to take Paso Alto castle by surprise. She raised the alarm to the garrison by shouting, frustrating the attackers intentions'

In the 19th century, fearing an invasion by USA a gun battery was added on adjacent ground, which was demolished in 1960 to build the military sports club.
During the Spanish Civil War it was used as a prison by the Nationalist and in earlier days for pirates.

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  • Text: Sharky Ward
  • Photos: Anthony (Sharky) Ward

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28.48089, -16.24096