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Memorial 251 Sqdn RAF Coastal Command

"Royal Air Force Coastal Command 251 Meteorological Squadron
Reykjavik, Iceland - 1st August 1944 to 30th October 1945

A .Memorial dedicated to two aircrews who failed to return
from weather reconnaissance flights over the North Atlantic
probably due to severe weather conditions.
9th November 1944 - Hudson FK752
F/O B.F. Lambert
F/Sgt H.J.E. Syms
L/Ac I.B. Martin
F/Sgt J.D. Jenner RAAF
F/Sgt R.A. Smith RAAF

17th March 1945 - Hudson FK739
F/O W.A. Hughes
F/O. W.T. Evans
Sgt R.A. Fielding RAAF
F/O G.C. Yorkston RAAF


The surviving members of 251 Squadron take pride in
presenting this memorial on the 60th anniversary of
the time spent at Reykjavik, Iceland."

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Sharky Ward
  • Photos: Anthony (Sharky) Ward

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64.12391, -21.91155