It was January 1924 when the town council decided to ‘erect a commemorative plaque of the
fallen of the 1914-1919 war (sic) to be placed on the town hall.’ Was it because in the public space, until then there had been no any tribute to the fallen was noticeable that they proceeded to erect
erect a second memorial stone? Was it because of a letter from the government, since a commemorative plaque can be seen in all town halls? In the report of 23 May 1924 we read: ‘It is decided to erect a commemorative plaque of thefallen of the war, 1914-1918 to be placed on the
town hall’.
De gemeente Wechelderzande
Aan hare Helden
Wereldoorlog 1914-1918
Van den Broeck Pieter Aug.
Van Dijck Lodewijk Michael
Van Looy Jan Baptist Jozef
Zij sneefden voor s lands eer
Voor vrijheid en voor recht
Wereldoorlog 1940-1945
Van den Plas Emiel
Geboren 1 juni 1908
Gesneuveld te Beringen 12 mei 1940
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