Bloc 0 is located a few hundred meters from the fort.
It was completely dismantled and cordoned off so that one could not fall into the gaping holes left behind.
The block was equipped with an F.M. type observation turret with extendable periscope (in the center on top of the turret). F.M. here is the indication that the turret was equipped with a Fusile-Mitrailleur of French manufacture.
In addition, this bloc had the 2nd armored retractable air intake. The 1st was located in Bloc P. This air intake was manually operated with cables via pulleys and counterweights. It could be extended 18 meters. The air intake will have been in use particularly at night during wartime operations. During the day, it was too easy a target. The bunker was connected to the fortress underground by the tunnel system.
At fort Tancrémont Bloc O did survive and can be seen as an almost exact copy of what Bloc O at Fort Aubin-Neufchâteau looked like.
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