This concrete structure is a silo for horse feed. Shortly after WW2, this silo still had a wooden superstructure, about the size of the masonry base, and a thatched roof. The feed entered it at the top through a door in the wooden superstructure and could be withdrawn at the bottom through an opening in the masonry base. This model of silo is still found in the German countryside. Immediately to the right was a horse stable, (now converted to housing), before the war there was a riding school there, and during the war the Germans kept horses here which they used for moving their artillery in the dunes opposite.
Both the German land forces (Heer) as the naval forces (Kriegsmarine) built defensive works on Schouwen-Duiveland. The naval forces built coastal artillery batteries near Westenschouwen en Renesse. The land forces built several bunkers and other defensive works, known as Widerstandsnester and Stutzpunkte. This observation bunker is situated in the periphery of Stutzpunkt XXXXIII H and Widerstandsnester 304 H and 305 H, all built in the dunes nearby.
For more information about bunkers on Schouwen-Duiveland, read "De Atlantikwall op Schouwen-Duiveland, planning en realisatie 1940-1945", by P.C. Heijkoop and J. Rijpsma (in Dutch only).
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