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On the sign next to the monument is an explanation

French text on photo 2

Suite au débarquement en juin 1944, les forces alliées avaient repoussé l’ennemi jus qu’au Rhin (ligne Siegfried). Mais celui-ci, dans un dernier sursaut, organisa la contre-offesive von Rundstedt, (appelée également ("La Bataille des Ardennes"), profitant de la faible concentration des forces terrestres dans le secteur de l’Ardenne et des mauvaises conditions
Climatiques qui y étaient annoncées. (15 jours de brouillard)

After the landing of Allied troops in June 1944, they marched on towards the Rhine in Germany. A final counteroffensive known as "The Battle of the Bulge", was organized by von Rundstedt. During the counteroffensive, the Germans took advantage of the low concentrations of allied land forces in the Ardennes and the upcoming weather. There were 15 foggy and cold days.

On the paper in the middle is nothing to read.
The text below is difficult to read but it’s information about the monument for executed resistance fighters of the Secret Army which stands besides the information sign.
War Memorial Mont

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