This memorial commmemorates the residents of Aduard who were killed in World War II.
Aduard commemorates its fallen.
They fell in our village.
They died in foreign circumstances.
Hilko Berrelkamp + 18-1-1923 † 14-4-1945 in Aduard
Katharina Boontjes-Schut + 5-6-1901 † 5-5-1945 in Groningen
Aron Elie Cohen + 20-6-1939 † 16-9-1943 in Auschwitz
Aaltje Cohen-van der Woude + 8-10-1912 † 16-9-1943 in Auschwitz
Andries van Dam + 7-10-1882 † 20-3-1943 in Sobibor
Judith van Dam-van Buuren + 12-4-1882 † 20-3-1943 in Sobibor
Jacob van Dam + 11-8-1886 † 20-3-1943 in Sobibor
Sippora van Dam-van Buuren + 5-3-1877 † 20-3-1943 in Sobibor
Albert Harkema + 29-9-1886 † 15-1-1945 in Dachau
Jochem Kazemier + 9-4-1913 † 10-4-1945 in Opsterland
Nanne Luikinga + 29-11-1924 † 20-10-1944 in Aduard
Ekke van der Net + 14-8-1919 † 10-11-1939 in Bellingwolde
Sietse Veldstra + 6-3-1923 † 10-3-1945 in Neuengamme
Klaas Roelf Wigboldus + 2-4-1919 † 14-4-1945 in Aduard
Evert Harm Wolters + 18-4-1912 † 14-4-1945 in Aduard
Harm Drost + 14-2-1923 † 28-1-1944 in Aduard
Melle Frankes + 23-9-1923 † 13-2-1945 in Malchow
Jan Koorenhof + 29-3-1901 † 7-6-1942 in Aduard
Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!