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Memorial Aryan Women Protest

In February and March 1943, 1,700 Jewish men were held by the Gestapo in a building of the Jewish community at Rosenstraße 2-4. Thanks to their marriage to an Aryan spouse or their mixed descent, they were exempt from deportation. They were housed here to separate them from the non-protected Jews who were rounded up and deported during the so-called Fabrikation.

Some of their mothers and wives, not knowing the reason for the arrest, went to the building and demanded their release. These protests lasted a week and more and more women joined in. Eventually, most of the men were released. The protest is a unique event during the persecution of the Jews in Germany, because there was little or no public resistance to it.

The monument consists of several sculptures in a small park and an information column at the head of the street.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Koos Winkelman

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