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Bunker L2 Lanaye

Near the river Maas between Lanaye and Eben-Emael is located bunker L2.

This bunker was part of the bridge over the Albert Canal in May 1940. This explains the metal plates on the top of the bunker. These now seem a vulnerable spot in this bunker, but in 1940 there was a steel arch bridge over it. The bunker then was detached from the embankment.

The new bridge was built a few meters south of the bunker.

This bunker consists of 2 floors. Both floors were equipped on the north and south side with 2 machine guns. For proximity defense, the bunker was equipped with grenadegully near the door. Through a hatch on the inside, a handgrenade could be dropped outside to repel an attack.

The entrance is located on the 2nd floor. As well as the other bunker to protect the bridge, only at 200 m distance, bunker L1, this bunker did not have an emergency exit.

This bunker contained the switch to detonate the explosives installed in the bridge. This actually happened when Fort Eben-Emael surrendered on Mat 11th 1940.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Ed Lewandowski
  • Photos: Koen Swennen (1, 2, 3), Ed Lewandowski (4, 5)
  • La Position Fortifiée de Liège, Coenen en Vernier.