This Monument in Meerkerk (municipality of Vijfheerenlanden) commemorates 21 victims of the Second World War:
On the left semicircle the 15 people who were born in Meerkerk, but who no longer lived in Meerkerk before the outbreak of the Second World War.
On the right-hand semicircle the 6 people who lived in Meerkerk at the outbreak of the Second World War.
The names on the left semicircle are:
Mozes Blok
Rebecca Blok
Hijman Blok
Jacob Abraham Blok
Meijer Blok
Sissy Blok
Mina Coster-Blok
Saartje Sarphatie-Blok
all murdered in Auschwitz or Sobibor
Jan Bogaard, died 9/16/1940, a / b ss Stad Schiedam, seaman's grave.
Gijsbert Groot, died 01-12-1944, Neuengamme, memorial book 34
Ari Ham, military AOO.Gi. KNIL, deceased Burma, buried Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery
Cornelis Jongkind, military sergt. 3-II-30 R.I., killed 21-05-1940 disaster ss Pavon
Arie Cornelis' t Lam, forced laborer, died 1/18/1944 in Berlin, buried in the Loenen cemetery
Johannes Uittenbogaart, soldier Sld.42 AAT KL, died 23-11-1949, Malang, buried at the Kembang Kuning cemetery.
Willem Vermeer, forced laborer, died on 28-02-1045 in Magdeburg, buried in the Loenen cemetery.
The names on the right semicircle are:
Jan Eiclesboom, died 15-03-1945, Bergen-Belsen
Cor Daniƫl Langen, soldier. 3-III-4 R.I., killed on 10-05-1940 in Valkenburg (ZH), buried in Meerkerk
Johannes van Leeuwen, died 03-02-1945 in Schermeisel (Poland)
Arnoldus Lodewijk Schakel, member of the resistance, died 19-12-1944 in Neuengamme
Theodorus Cornelis Petrus Paulus Vink, soldier sold. 3-III-28 R.I., died May 10, 1940, Zundert, buried Dordrecht Essenhof.
Arie Vuurens, died December 10, 1940 in Oudenrijn.
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