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War Memorial Enquin-sur-Baillons

This memorial commemorates the residents of Enquin-sur-Baillons who died in the First and Second World War.

Text on the memorial:

Aux enfants d'ENQUIN
Morts pour la France

(To the children of ENQUIN
Died for France)

1914 - 1918
PECQUART Jules (Aged 23, Autreppes, 1914)
MARTEL Augustin (Aged 25, Mesnil-les-Hurlus, 1915)
MARTEL Georges (Aged 23, Les Eparges, 1915)
GAYET Maurice (Aged 20, Buesinghe, 1917)
PECQUART Henri (Aged 25, Fulda, 1918)
WALLOIS Jules (Aged 21, Harcicourt, 1918)
LEROY Alfred (Aged 22, Lyon Hospital, 1918)
LEROY Joseph (Aged 21, Berck Hospital, 1919)

1939 - 1945
GREMONT Gaston (Aged 24, Tournai, 1940)

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  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Wim Vanneste

50.572671, 1.835371