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Dutch Cavalry Museum

This museum is really recommended to be visited! Next to an appropriate introduction about the origins, tasks and equipment of the cavalry, the visitor is also introduced to "the era of the horse. Here the historical feats like the eighty-years-war (between the Lowlands and its Spanish rulers), the battle at Waterloo, the mobilizations of 1914/1918 and 1939/1940, the days of the month of May in 1940 (German attack), are being given their part in the exposition as well as the performance within the "KNIL" ("Koninklijk Nederlandsch Indisch Leger"), the Dutch East Indian Army. Also the motorized phase of the cavalry receives ample attention like the introduction of the first armored car, the cold war as well as the recent peace keeping operations.

The exposition can also be admired outside the museum. On the site of the museum you will find a historical collection of cavalry transport equipment, partly still operational.

Please note that identification is required at the entry of the barracks (driver’s license or passport). You will be provided with an electronic badge for the military area.

For current visiting hours, please visit the website of the museum.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Barry van Veen
  • Photos: Peter Schipper (1), Arjan Vrieze (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

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