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Belgian War Graves Visé Cemetery Lorette

The Lorette Cemetery in Visé has a common grave with Belgian victims of World War I, both soldiers and civilians.

The following soldiers are buried there

THILL Jean, age 30, Guardsman 1st class in the Rijswacht, killed during the fighting in Visé on August 4th, 1914. he is also commemorated on the monument near the post office.

GILSON Guillaume, age 22, Sergeant with the 14st Line Regiment, killed in Flanders on October 20th, 1916.

MARTIN Georges, age 27, Corporal with the 2nd grenadier regiment, died November 17th, 1917 in the field hospital at Hoogstade (West Flanders) from wounds received at Diksmuide.

CLOSSET Jacques, age 40, Corporal in the 16th artillery regiment, telegraph service, killed by shrapnel on July 25th, 1918 at Lampernisse (West Flanders).

VAN GASTEL Prosper, age 22, private in the 12th Line Regiment,killed on August 4th, 1914 at the Left bank of the river Meuse , Devant-le-Pont at the Quai du Hallage. Private Van Gastel is honored separately on the monument at the bridge of Visé, where he fell. He and Private Maulus were the first two infantrymen of the 12th Line Regiment to die in the 1st World War.

MAULUS Louis, age 23, private with the 12th Line Regiment, killed on Aug. 4th, 1914 on the Left bank of the river Meuse, Devant-le-Pont at Quai du Hallage. Private Maulus is honored separately on the monument at Visé bridge, where he fell. He and Private Van Gastel were the first two infantrymen of the 12th Line Regiment to die in the 1st World War. He is remembered in Antwerp as the first fallen soldier of the city of Antwerp. He is also remembered there on a memorial stone for fallen soldiers from Antwerp, in St. Paul's Church.

MILET Henry, age 21, soldier in the 1st regiment carbiniers, killed August 25th, 1914 at Mechelen.

PAULUS Joseph, age 24, soldier at the fort of Barchon, died as a result of illness in the hospital at Maastricht on September 15th, 1915.

NELISSEN Leon, age 22, enlisted as war volunteer at the age of 18 on November 20th, 1914, private of the 1st regiment carabiniers, died on October 2nd, 1918 in the field hospital of Beveren-aan-de-IJzer (West-Flanders) because of wounds received in Paschendaele on September 29th, 1918, after having served for four years !

ROUJOB Charles, age 28, war volunteer, private of the 3rd regiment hunters on foot, killed on July 20th, 1915 at Kaaskerke (West-Flanders).

Remembered as missing on the monument on the cemetery

CLERDENT Stéphane, age 21, Lieutenant, 3rd combined artillery brigade, killed at Kaaskerke (West Flanders) on October 24th, 1914. He is still missing/or buried as unknown.

THIBAUX Theodule, age 24, soldier (stretcher-bearer) with the 15th linieregiment, died of wounds sustained at Zonnebeke (West Flanders) on October 20th, 1918. He too is still missing/or buried as unknown.

MUNIKEN Antoine, age 29, soldier (musician) with the 12th linieregiment, killed Aug. 5th, 1914 at Herstal during the fighting around Liège, he was a member of the wind orchestra Sainte Cecile of Visé. However, he is no longer missing. He is buried in the cemetery of Rhees-Herstal where he is also remembered on the monument.

The above soldiers are also all remembered on at the monument Aux Morts at Visé.

Furthermore, soldier Peret is commemorated on the monument

PERET J. soldier, age 24, artillery private, died in an explosion of a munitions factory on December 30th, 1915, at Gonfreville-l'Orcher (F). His body was never recovered. He is also commemorated in the cemetery of Gonfreville-l'Orcher, Seine-Maritime.

A number of Visé citizens tortured and murdered by the Germans are also buried here;

BROUHA Joseph, beer merchant, killed in front of his house on Rue de la Fontaine on August 4th, 1914. One of his trucks had been used in a barricade on this street, which was enough reason for the Germans to shoot him dead without mercy. His son Jean, who wanted to help him was also shot.

LEROY Louis, age 52, shot by the Germans on August 4th, 1914, on the Rue des Récollets, after their frantic attempts to cross the bridge failed.

COSME Henri, age 49, merchant, was murdered in the hospice after first being tortured.

COSME Maurice, age 18, son of Henri, he was forced by the Germans with his hands tied behind his back to walk ahead of the Germans in the attack on Fort Barchon. He was later found dead in a trench in front of the fort, the body battered and hit by several bullets.

DUCHESNE Desire, age unknown, killed during the acts of war in Visé during World War I.

KINABELE Louis, age 31, hairdresser, killed as a result of acts of war in Visé on August 4th, 1914.

BROUHA Pierre, age 33, killed during acts of war in Visé in August 1914.

LECARME Octave, age 49, living in Visé, killed by the Germans at Beneau on August 5th, 1914.

LECARME Jean, age 24, son of Octave, engineer with the Belgian railroads, shot by the Germans at Berneau on Aug. 5th, 1914. Both father and son Lecarme are commemorated on the monument at Visé Station.

MICHIELS Victor, age 48, killed during the acts of war in Visé in August 1914.

VANDERLINDEN Léonard, age unknown, killed during acts of war at Berneau in August 1914.

BROUHA Jean, age 66, killed as a result of warfare at Visé in August 1914.

CHARLIER Jean, age 60, shot on August 4th, 1914 just after visiting his wife at the hospice in Visé.

CANABELLE Antoine, age 60, killed during acts of war in Visé in August 1914.

RION Leonard, age 37, butcher, he was taken away from Visé by the Germans on August 4th, 1914 and killed on August 6th, 1914 at Berneau.

BOULANGER Bernard, age 47, killed as a result of acts of war at Visé in 1914.

JOB François, age 54, railroad employee, shot by the Germans with his son Henri on August 5th, 1914.

JOB Henri, age 25, like his father François an employee of the railroads, and also shot together with his father by the Germans on August 5th, 1914. Both father and son Job are commemorated on the monument at Visé Station.

BROUHA Jean, age 38, shot in front of his house on Rue de la Fontaine as he came to the aid of his just shot father Joseph in August 1914.

PINCKAERS Léon, age 25, killed as a result of acts of war at Visé in 1914.

PINCKAERS Constant, age 23, brother of the killed Léon Pinckaers, killed during acts of war August 1914 at Visé.

LEERS Jean, age 49, railway chief at the railroad station of Visé, killed by the Germans on August 5th, 1914. He is also commeorated on the monument at the railroad station of Visé.

VINCENT Leon, age 40, killed while fishing in the Berwinne River at Visé in August 1914.

PEINTE Hubert, age 48, killed as a result of acts of war at Visé on August 4th, 1914.

BOHET Jean, age 21, was shot while fishing in the river Berwinne in August 1914.

VANHOORENBEKE Gregoire, age 23, truck driver, was shot while fishing in the river Berwinne in August 1914.

They too are all remembered at the monument Aux Morts in Visé.

Civilians who went missing or died during captivity are also commemorated on the cemetery monument.

WISIMUS Jean, age 74, he died at Hospice the day before his 75th birthday after suffering a gunshot wound from German fire. His coffin was waiting for burial in the hospice garden, but disappeared without a trace and was not recovered.

LEROY Michel, age unknown, lived as a hermit near the chapel of Lorette (Visé) was shot by the Germans on Aug. 5th, 1914 and was hanged on the road from Moelingen to Berneau.

LEERS François, age 83, after being taken hostage by the Germans, was hanged with two other men on August 7th or 8th, 1914, on the road from Moelingen to Berneau. Their bodies were found on Aug. 9th.

ERNOUX Jean, age unknown, was carried away by the Germans and shot. His body is still missing.

They too are commemorated on the monument Aux Morts at Visé.

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  • Text: Ed Lewandowski
  • Photos: Ricky van Dyck
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