Near the old Fort 'de la Chartreuse' is a small war cemetery where prisoners (members of thr resistance) executed by the Germans at this site during World War I were buried.
The prisoners had all been accused of espionage or related activities. They were members of various intelligence agencies such as:
S.R.A., Service de Reseignements Anglais.
S.R.B., Service de Reseignements Belge.
S.R.F., Service de Reseignements Français.
S.R.D.B., Service de Reseignements Dame Blanche.
('Service de Reseignements' can be translated as intelligenceservice.)
There are 47 graves in the cemetery. In 27 cases, remains were reburied after the war. 26 bodies were transferred to the nearby municipal cemetery “Robermont” at Bressoux in Liège where they were reburied in the military section. One victim was reburied in the cemetery of the municipality from which he came.
Among those executed were 2 women, 2 brothers, a father and son, 3 Frenchmen, an Englishman and a Dutchman. The youngest victim was 18 years of age, the oldest 62. These were father and son SMEESTERS. They were shot on the same day, June 2, 1916 at 5:00 a.m. in the morning, and are still buried next to each other. (see photo 3).
Two brothers, Anthony and Louis COLLARD, ages 20 e 21 are also still buried here. They have been given a new joint grave. (photo 5).
Also executed here was a Belgian soldier of the 14th Line Regiment, GILKINET Amedée. He had been captured during the war and was imprisoned at Fort d'Embourg where he managed to escape to Holland. He returned in 1915 to establish an intelligence service. however, on April 26, 1916, he was recaptured and transferred after La Chartreuse. The sentence was pronounced on June 8, 1916. More than a week later, he was shot at 5:00 a.m. on June 16, 1916.
In addition, 3 Frenchmen (GILLET Lucien, HESSE Pierre, ZILLIOX Joseph), one Englishman (SIMON Charles) and one Dutchman (WIERTZ Godefroid, originating from Limbourgois H, Dutch Limburg) shot and buried.
The following persons were shot and buried here or were buried here.
BARTHELEMY Francois, age 35, executed June 7, 1916, member of the intelligence service SRA, “Service de Reseignements Anglais. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
BEGUIN Auguste, age 46, executed on October 28, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
BOURSEAUX Jean, age 50, shot on June 7, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in the military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
BURY Germain, age 49, executed on May 24, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRB, 'Service de Reseignements Belge'. Was reburied after the war in the military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
COLLARD Louis, age 21, brother of Antony, shot July 18, 1918, member of the intelligence service 'Service de Renseignements Dame Blanche'.
COLLARD Antony, age 20, brother of Louis, executed July 18, 1918, member of the intelligence service 'Service de Renseignements Dame Blanche'.
DEFECHEREUX Jules, age 24, executed October 28, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
DERACHE Louise, age 28, shot on June 7, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
DESCHEUTTER Jules, age 33, shot on June 7, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
FRANÇOIS Léon, age 49, executed on October 28, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
GAROT Andre, age 53, shot on October 18, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'
GILKINET Amedée, age 32, soldier (ambulator) with the 14th Line Regiment, executed June 18, 1916, member of the intelligence service SRB, “Service de Reseignements Belge. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
GILLET Lucien, age 38, Frenchman, executed on October 28, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
GILLOT Joseph, age 49, executed 4 days before his 50th birthday on October 28, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
GRANDPREZ Constant, age 46, executed May 8, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'.
GRANDPREZ Elisabeth, age 48, executed on May 8, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'.
GREGOIRE Andre, age 57, executed May 8, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'.
HENROT Camille, age 31, executed September 4, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
HERCK Constantin, age 47, executed October 18, 1915, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
HESSE Pierre, age 45, Frenchman, executed October 18, 1915, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
HICK Joseph, age 52, executed August 29, 1916, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
KERF Joseph, age 43, executed August 29, 1916, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
LAMBRECHT Dieudonné, age 33, shot on April 19, 1916. Was reburied after the war in the military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
LECOCQ Clement, age 42, executed on September 11, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, “Service de Reseignements Anglais. Was reburied after the war in the military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery in Bressoux, Liège.
LEGRAND Jean, age 26, executed October 28, 1915, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
LEJEUNE Jean, age 53, executed on September 4, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
LELARCE Jacques, age 49, executed September 4, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, “Service de Reseignements Anglais. Was reburied after the war in military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
LELARGE Oscar, age 47, shot on June 7, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
LEMOINE Victor, age 39, executed May 19, 1916, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
LENDERS Justin, age 35, executed June 7, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
MONFORT Cassian, age 30, executed March 8, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
NOIRFALIZE Henri, age 41, executed October 28, 1915, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
PAQUAY François, age 49, shot on October 18, 1915, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
PEIFFER Pierre, age 26, executed June 7, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRA, “Service de Reseignements Anglais. Was reburied after the war in the Heinsch-Fouches municipal cemetery.
RAMET Alphonse, age 43, shot on May 19, 1916, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'
RICHTER Adrien, age 34, executed June 4, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
SACRE Oscar, age 37, executed October 28, 1915, member of the SRF intelligence service, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in military section of Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
SIMON Charles, age 35, British, executed 3 days after his 35th birthday on June 7, 1915. member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'.
SIMON Orhal, age 28, executed October 18, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
Father and son Smeesters were jointly executed on June 2, 1916 !
SMEESTERS Augustin, age 62, father of the other SMEESTERS Augustin, fusilladed on June 2, 1916, member of the intelligence service SRA, “Service de Reseignements Anglais.
SMEESTERS Augustin, age 18 !, son of the other SMEESTERS Augustin, fusilized June 2, 1916, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'.
SOMERS Petrus, age 40, executed June 29, 1916, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'.
VAN DER SNOECK Felix, age 36, executed October 28, 1915, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'. Was reburied after the war in the military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège
WATHELET Henri, age 23, executed on September 4, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in the military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
WAUTHY Jacques, age 23, executed March 8, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, 'Service de Reseignements Anglais'. Was reburied after the war in military section of the Robermont municipal cemetery at Bressoux, Liège.
WIERTZ Godefroid, age 30, Dutch citizen from Kerkrade, Limburg, executed on September 4, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, “Service de Reseignements Anglais. Was reburied after the war in the military section of the municipal cemetery Robermont in Bressoux, Liège.
XHONNEUX Guillaume, age 50, executed August 29, 1916, member of the intelligence service SRF, 'Service de Reseignements Français'
ZILLIOX Joseph, age 29, Frenchman, executed July 25, 1917, member of the intelligence service SRA, “Service de Reseignements Anglais.
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