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Crash Site Lancaster DV382

Lancaster DV382 - No. 617 Squadron RAF (Dambusters)
Airborne 08:20 on 12 Feb 1944 from Ford where it had landed following the operation on Antheor Viaduct. Crashed a few minutes later on high ground at Waltham Down near Duncton, 16 km NE of Chichester, Sussex.

This aircraft was one of 200 Lancasters ordered from Metro-Vick in 1941 (Serial range DV155 - DV407), built as 91 Mk.Is with Merlin 22 engines and 109 Mk.IIIs with Merlin 28 engines, mixed, from May 1943 to Nov 1943. DV382 was a Mk.I and was delivered to 617 Sqdn 30 Nov 1943. Also reported wearing the ID AJ-J.

Took part in the following key operations
- SOE special target, France, 16/17 Dec 1943 (12,000lb HC bomb)
- Special target in France 30/31 Dec 1943 (12,000lb HC bomb)
- Antheor Viaduct 12/13 Feb 1944-crashed in transit from Ford next day.

No record of total hours. This loss has been recorded as lost against Antheor.

S/L W.R.Suggitt DFC J/15131 RCAF (Pilot) killed
F/S J.Pulford DFM 652403 RAF (Flt Engr) killed
F/O J.I.Gordon DFC 412218 RAAF (Navigator) killed
F/O N.J.Davidson J/22514 RCAF (Bomb Aimer) killed
F/O S.G.Hall 411775 RAAF (WOp AG) killed
F/S J.P.Riches 1390921 RAFVR (Mid Up AG) killed
F/O J.M.Dempster DFM J/17206 RCAF (Rear AG) killed
S/L T.W.Lloyd DSO 84133 RAFVR (Passenger) killed

S/L Suggit was admitted to St.Richards Hospital in Chichester where he died from his injuries 15 Feb 1944. He had previously flown with No.28 Sqdn, his DFC being gazetted 9 Jul 1943.

F/S Pulford had been Flight Engineer to W/C Gibson VC on the Dams Raid May 1943, his DFM gazetted 28 May 1943.

P/O Gordon had flown with 467 Sqdn and F/O Dempster with 57 Sqdn, their awards being dated 10 Dec 1943 and 16 Feb 1943 respectively.

S/L Lloyd was the Squadron's Intelligence Officer and had served in the RFC in WW1. At 52, he was one of the oldest officers to be killed in Bomber Command.

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