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Aspangbahnhof Deportation Memorial

At the Platz der Opfer der Deportation in Vienna is a remembrance stone relating to the former Aspangbahnhof railroad station .

From here, tens of thousands of Jews from Vienna were deported to the concentration and extermination camps.

From February 1941 to October 1942, 47,035 Jews were sent to the concentration camps from the Aspangbahhof (Aspang Rail Station) in Vienna's 3rd District. Tragically, only 1,073 of the Jews deported from the Aspangbahnhof would survive the Holocaust.

The Nazis deliberately chose the Aspangbahnhof because it was nestled away in a quiet neighborhood in the middle of the city, away from the larger stations and main railway routes.

The transports to the concentration camps were organized by Austrian born SS Captain Adolf Eichmann, who was in charge of the Nazi Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna. Eichmann had one primary objective — to speed up the rate that Jews were being deported from the city.

In September 2017, 72 years after the end of WW2, the Aspangbahnhof Memorial was completed and opened to the public. The Memorial was crafted by the Austrian artist duo PRINZpod.

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