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Native Indian Memorial Regogne

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Battle of the Bulge, an idea was put forward: to link the ceremonies closely with representatives of the Indian nation. In all armies, the soldiers who fight in the front lines are essentially poor men.
The monument was inaugurated on the 18th December 1994.

Text on the plaque:
En signe de profonde
gratitude a l’egard des soldats
Indiens Americains tombes pour
La liberation de la Belgique

In the loving memory of the
American Indian soldiers fallen
for the liberation of Belgium

This memorial is located at the back of the fields / on the grounds of the bison farm.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Bastogne / Mia van den Berg
  • Photos: Luc van Waeyenberge

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