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War Memorial Oudewater

In front of the entrance to Oudewater cemetery is a monument in the form of an obelisk that reminds Oudewater residents of the resistance fighters and British and Belgian soldiers who died fighting for freedom during the occupation years.

The four sides of the obelisk bear the names of the victims commemorated:

Barker, Bird, H.J. Dionisius, P.F. van den Ende, Gibbings, Jakeway, Robertson, Henry Story, Tott, J.J. Vierbergen and Whyte.

The pedestal of the moment unveiled as early as 30 August 1945 reads:
Nederl. Binnenl.
En Land. Org. v. Onderd.
Afd. Oudewater

(Dutch Resistance Oudewater and Relief Organisation for People in hiding)

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Pieter Mielen (1, 2, 3, 4), Arjan Vrieze (5)