It has been a good practice for several years now to place candles on war graves on Christmas Eve. Here is an impression of the lights on the Airborne cemetery in Oosterbeek.
New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.
The restrictions regarding Covid-19 did not prevent a small group of volunteers to place candles on the graves on Christmas Eve at the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek.
In 1944, Christmas was celebrated for the sixth time since the Second World War had broken out on September 1, 1939. Men who often shared the same religious background fought each other to the death in sharp contrast with the old Christmas message of Peace on Earth. Christmas under Fire, 1944 tells about this last war time Christmas. Below an excerpt from this book. This part is about the Dutch winter famine of 1944.
In 1944, Christmas was celebrated for the sixth time since the Second World War had broken out on September 1, 1939. Men who often shared the same religious background fought each other to the death in sharp contrast with the old Christmas message of Peace on Earth. Christmas under Fire, 1944 tells about this last war time Christmas. Below an excerpt from this book. This part is about how American GI’s shared Christmas with the Europeans that were liberated by them and about the tragedy with the Léopoldville.
In 1944, Christmas was celebrated for the sixth time since the Second World War had broken out on September 1, 1939. Men who often shared the same religious background fought each other to the death in sharp contrast with the old Christmas message of Peace on Earth. Christmas under Fire, 1944 tells about this last war time Christmas. Below an excerpt from this book. This part is about how Christmas was used in Nazi propaganda.
How was Christmas celebrated and experienced during 1944, the last year of World War II? This question is answered in the newly published book Christmas under Fire, 1944, written by the Dutch WW2 expert Kevin Prenger.
Here is a World War II book that is a little different from what we are used to. For once not about famous or unknown heroes, or battles and campaigns, or analyses of what caused which victory or defeat. No, this book is about Christmas and how it was celebrated, or endured, or perceived by people in the European theatre in December 1944. The 5th year of the war for many and with still no clear end in sight.