The War Illustrated, Volume 5, No. 104, Page 75, August 29, 1941.
During the years of the Russian Civil War Soviet women worked in first-aid detachments, guarded factories, fought in the firing line, joined guerilla detachments, and derailed enemy trains. Today they are again in the vanguard as active helpers of their husbands, sons and brothers in the war for the defence of the fatherland.
Housewives are entering war factories to take the place of their menfolk, and are showing a high standard of skill and production. Women are daily achieving new records in many trades. More than a hundred women, formerly housewives, are now working in coal mines. Women are also giving an excellent account of themselves in metallurgical work. At the Lenin Metallurgical Plant women are doing the work of assistant blacksmiths very efficiently.
In the Moscow region alone the Trade Unions have organized during the last few days 177 groups of Red Cross nurses and 250 groups of volunteer Red Cross detachments, in which approximately 20,000 women, drawn from 350 enterprises, are studying in their spare time. The wives of Soviet scientists, artists, teachers, and all sections of the intelligentsia are training to be nurses. Many women have volunteered for blood transfusion. Others are organizing the dispatch of comforts for the troops both at the front and in the hospitals. The women members of the A.R.P. services have already displayed exceptional courage during enemy air raids, both in fire-fighting squads and night patrols.
Klavdia Nikolayeva, leading Russian woman Trade Unionist and Secretary of the Soviet Central Council of the Trade Unions in Moscow.
Sgt. James Allen Ward, the 22-year-old New Zealander who won the 7th V.C. awarded to the R.A.F. in this war. He received the award for putting out a fire aboard an aeroplane returning from a raid over
Not that of old I loved you over-much Or followed your quick changes with great glee, While through grim paths of hard hostility You fought your way, using the sword or crutch To serve occasion. Y