The period here under review was marked by events of far-reaching importance, although neither side could claim clear cut victory on land. Germany Terrific as their effects were, the four figure r
When we pay tribute to the magnificent valour of Soviet Russia's fighting men, let us not forget the horses -yes, and the dogs, too- without whom the battle could not have been sustained, and who, lik
A new phase in the air war over Europe began on the night of Friday, May 29, the thousandth day of the war. Seven days earlier Bomber Command raided St. Nazaire, German U-boat base in Occupied France
Back from their great raid over Cologne, some members of the crews are celebrating with smiles and the familiar "thumbs up" signal the doom of many a Nazi munition works. -->On May 30, 1942, the
Much has been heard recently of the new battle drill which is now an established part of the training of the British Army. Below we give some account of its origin, of what it attempts to do, and of
In all the prolonged and widespread discussions concerning what is called the Indian problem, little has been heard of those territories in India which are neither British nor ruled by Indian princes,
After a period of comparative quiescence, following their repulse in the Coral Sea action, the Japanese resumed activity in the Indian Ocean and Pacific at the end of May. Their most important move
Following the sinking by German U-boats of several Mexican tankers and merchantships, President Camacho asked the Mexican Congress for a declaration of war against the Axis Powers. This was granted,
As I survey the Home Front during these midsummer weeks of 1942 I see a Britain that is braced for action. There have been times when the nation's muscles have relaxed for a space; it was as if the t
With the decorating of the man who led the American bombing raid on Tokyo on April 18, he was revealed as Brigadier-General James Doolittle, who have the following brief account of his exploit. Eve
Norwegians have suffered drastic penalties for their opposition to German rule, but, as described in the following story received from Oslo by the Norwegian Ministry of Information, they keep their sp
Among the civilian refugees who made the 250-mile journey to India on foot through the Burmese jungle was Mr. Leonard Pinchbeck, of Lincolnshire, who told the following story of his adventures to the
999th day MAY 28, 1942, Thursday Russian Front - Fierce German attack repelled in Izyum-Barvenkovo sector. Mediterranean - Aerodrome at Catania, Sicily, raided by R.A.F. Africa - Heavy fighting bet
At the beginning of yet another volume of THE WAR ILLUSTRATED one is tempted to speculate on what will be its contents. But, remembering the many unexpected events that it has been our lot to record