The War Illustrated, Volume 6, No. 133, Page 95, July 24, 1942.
Arriving in America on June 18, Mr. Churchill held in Washington a number of conferences with President Roosevelt and the American and British advisers. On his return to London on June 27 a joint statement was made public, of which the following are the main points.
In the matter of production of munitions of all kinds, the survey gives on the whole an optimistic picture. The previously planned monthly output has not reached the maximum, but is fast approaching it on schedule.
Transportation of the fighting forces, together with the transportation of munitions and war supplies, still constitutes the major problem of the United Nations.
While submarine warfare on the part of the Axis continues to take a heavy toll of cargo ships, the actual production of new tonnage is greatly increasing month by month.
The United Nations have never been in such hearty and detailed agreement on plans for winning the war as they are today.
Detailed discussions were held with our military advisers on methods to be adopted against Japan and for the relief of China.
While our plans, for obvious reasons, cannot be disclosed, it can be said that the coming operations which were discussed in detail at our Washington conferences, between ourselves and our respective military advisers, will divert German strength from the attack on Russia.
The Prime Minister and the President have met twice before, first in August 1941 and again in December 1941. There is no doubt in their minds that the over-all picture is more favourable to victory than it was either in August or December of last year.
1,026th day JUNE 24, 1942, Wednesday Russian Front.- Heavy fighting continued on Kharkov front. Africa.- British withdrew from Sollum and Sidi Omar. China. - A.V.G. raided Hankow and other Jap base
In the third week of July the general situation had become grave and alarming. Germany's 1942 offensive had developed in even greater strength than was expected. Although it had been evident that du