The War Illustrated, Volume 6, No. 135, Page i, August 21, 1942.
U.S. Aircraft-Carrier Yorktown and other fighting ships of the American Navy throw up a heavy screen of A.A. fire to beat off a squadron of Japanese torpedo-carrying planes during the Battle of Midway Island in the Pacific last June. The aircraft-carrier and her escort were unsuccessfully attacked during a crucial phase of the battle by thirty-six enemy aircraft launched from the Japanese carrier Hiryu - subsequently destroyed; but in a further attack by torpedo aircraft the Yorktown (left) was hit. Photo, Sport & General.
USS Yorktown was attacked the next day (June 6, 1942) by the Japanese submarine I-168, which sank the destroyer USS Hammann alongside the Yorktown, the Yorktown would sink the next day.
No matter how long the war goes on (and that's a subject on which now that I am far more optimistic I find some of the early optimists taking longer views!) the story of Malta will retain its epic qua
Readers are asked to remember that the articles on the War by Land, Sea and Air, specially written for THE WAR ILLUSTRATED by our expert contributors, should be read with at least a fortnight's perspe