Volume 1 - No. 14 - December 16, 1939

When the British steamer "Arlington Court" was torpedoed in the Atlantic, twenty-two of the crew were in an open boat for four days and seven others for six days before being picked up. Their stories,
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Full index of this magazine
- Jottings from My Wartime Diary
- Raid and Reconnaissance in a Wintry Scene
- Above Ground and Below in Germany's 'Westwall'
- Swastika Over Britain: A Tale of Failure
- These Are the Fighters That Routed the Raiders
- Warsaw is Now a 'City of Dreadful Night'
- Poland Still Lives and Fights in France
- 'Everywhere Activity, Everywhere Mud'
- Stalin Makes Foul War on Gallant Finland
- Finland Defies the Russian Bully
- Words That History Will Remember
- Things You May Not Know
- Britain Hits Back at the Mine-Laying 'Planes
- 'To Defend Freedom & To Establish Peace'
- 'Rawalpindi' Went Down With Colours Flying
- They Watch and Wait for Endless Hours
- 'Mail Up!' is the Call Soldiers Like Most to Hear
- I Was There! - We Scanned the Sea for Mines and U-Boats
- I Was There! - Our Ship Could Not Sail Home
- I Was There! - We Weathered A Gale in Open Boats
- I Was There! - 'U-Boat Men Not All Heartless Murderers'
- Our Diary of the War
- Shadows on the Lake
- Easy French Phrases for British Soldiers - 3.