Volume 6 - No. 140 - October 30, 1942

Japanese Bombers in the Solomons delivering a fierce attack on American warships and transports. At the beginning of August 1942 America Marines landed on three islands in the Tulagi area, and in sp
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Full index of this magazine
- Along the Battle Fronts
- The Covered Themselves with Glory at Dieppe
- Through New Guinea Runs Australia's Front Line
- Japanese Bombers in the Solomons
- The War at Sea
- Stalingrad's Name Is Written In Blood
- Views & Reviews
- Mr. Kaiser's the Man to Beat the U-Boats
- The War in the Air
- Under the Swastika
- I Was There! - 'Were You Frightened, Reuter? So Was I, Very!'
- I Was There! - One Evening I Crossed the Volga to Stalingrad
- Our Diary of the War
- Editor's Postscript