The War Illustrated, Volume 6, No. 141, Page 344, November 13, 1942.
The Mosquito, officially described as a reconnaissance bomber, is a product of the de Havilland Aircraft Co., those chiefly responsible for its design being Capt. Geoffrey de Havilland and Messrs. C. C. Walker, R.E. Bishop, and R. M. Clarkson. Believed to be the world's fastest bomber, it is a twin-engined monoplane and - a sensationally novel feature this - is made of wood. It carries a crew of two, and its armament may be four 20-mm. cannon and four .303 machine-guns. It has a span of 54 ft. 2 in., height 15 ft. 3 in., and overall length 40 ft. 9½ in. Mosquitos were first reported in operations on Sept. 25, 1942, when four of these planes bombed the Gestapo H.Q. at Oslo (see page 264). This photo (by J. H. Yoxall of Flight) of a Mosquito is the first to be released of this aircraft. Photo, British Official: Crown Copyright.
It is good to know that in the midst of the most savage and inhuman war in the world's history and at a spot where its terrors are possibly concentrated to a degree that is not reached at any other po
Lancasters Carrying Destruction to Le Creusot. One Saturday afternoon in October, 94 R.A.F. Lancasters set out to bomb the Schneider armament works at Le Creusot, 170 miles south-east of Paris. In t