The War Illustrated, Volume 6, No. 144, Page 439, December 26, 1942.
Mustangs are the product of North American Aviation, Inc., of Inglewood, California, and have appropriately been termed the "eyes of the Army". Used extensively by Army Cooperation Command of the R.A.F., these powerful fighters are now cooperating with Fighter Command and have scored outstanding successes over the Continent. Among their many targets have been railway engines, gun posts, bridges and important lines of communication.
These machines have a wing span of 37 ft. 3 in., a length of 31 ft. 3 in., and are fitted with a single 1,150 h.p. engine. A distinguishing feature is the shallow radiator aft of the wings. The tapered fin and rudder has a square apex, and the cockpit cover is comparatively short. Mustangs habitually fly at what the R.A.F calls "o feet", that is skimming the sea and tree-tops, in their long-distance trips to attack enemy targets. Their first big test came with the Dieppe raid on August 19, 1942, and subsequent attacks were made on other vital centres with such success that an American air expert, Maj. T. Hitchcock, declares that the Mustang will prove the "best fighter for 1943".
Hard on the heels of Rommel's shattered columns, the 8th Army's commander watches the pursuit from his tank turret. Thirty-four years have passed since Bernhard Law Montgomery joined the Royal Warwi
The Night of May 10, 1941 marked the climax of the Luftwaffe's prolonged and savage attack on the metropolis. Front Line, 1940-41, the official story of this grim period of the war (recently issued