Volume 7 - No. 165 - October 15, 1943

From the third to the seventh day the issue of the nine days' battle for the beaches of Salerno, Italy, hung dangerously in the balance. How the Fifth Army finally won what Mr. Churchill called "an im
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Full index of this magazine
- The Battle Fronts
- The War at Sea
- Battlefield Gunfire Now Defeating the Nazis
- Meet the Blitz Buggy, the Quack and Penguin
- Theirs the Job to Keep the Cables Mended
- Views & Reviews
- The Home Front
- I Was There! - We Recorded a Big Bombing Raid on Berlin
- I Was There! - I Saw the Fateful Battle of Salerno Beaches
- I Was There! - I Was a 'Sitting Target' in the Arctic Sea
- Our Diary of the War
- The War in the Air
- Editor's Postscript