Volume 1 - No. 20 - January 19, 1940

In 1918 Imperial Germany reached the zenith of her conquests, and in a few brief months crashed into stupendous ruin and defeat. In 1939 Nazi Germany set out on the same trail, yet (as this article an
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In broad terms their name is legion, not forgetting the newsvendor who still stands shivering at his wintry pitch, lustily shouting "the latest" when you can only discern him dimly by the glow of his
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Full index of this magazine
- Jottings from My Wartime Diary
- Europe's Map Saw Many Changes in 1939
- Germany Lost That War: How Can She Win This?
- In Finland's Snows Stalin's 'Comrades' Perish
- Stalin's Grip on the Baltic is Tightened
- Women Work and Die for Finland
- Come Aboard One of Our Aircraft Carriers!
- Where is the Ark Royal? - Why, Here She Is!
- We Shan't Win the War by 'Wishful Thinking'!
- Heroes of Wartime Black-out - Unseen & Unsung
- Words That History Will Remember
- Things You May Not Know
- Hunter and Hunted in the Submarine War
- The Modern Mine is a Double-Edged Weapon
- Australia's Airmen Now Comrades of the R.A.F.
- How Big a Threat is Germany's Air Force?
- 'What Are We To Do To Win This War?'
- I Was There! - We Saw Our 'Planes Bomb a U-Boat
- I Was There! - Our Three Bombers Fought Twelve Fighters
- I Was There! - We Were Torpedoed on Christmas Day
- I Was There! - How We Escorted a Merchant Convoy
- Our Diary of the War
- He Leaves - But His Work Lives On