The War Illustrated, Volume 8, No. 200, Page 640, February 16, 1945.
Intense Bombardment by Rocket-Firing Craft preceded the successful storming by U.S. troops under Gen. Walter Kreuger of Japanese-held Mindoro, one of the larger Philippine islands on December 15, 1944. Of this operation General MacArthur said, "It will enable us to dominate sea and air routes which reach to the China coast". Mindoro is 75 miles south of Manila, capital of Luzon, on which landings were made three weeks later. Photo, New York Times Photos.
Leaving the rest of his troop just as dusk was falling, to look at a tank which had been in difficulties during a battle the previous day, Capt. Law, a Tank Officer from Canada serving with a famous B
H.M.S. Indefatigable, Britain's newest Aircraft Carrier, was first reported in action off Sumatra on January 24 and 29, 1945, when battleships and aircraft-carriers of the British East Indies Fleet