The War Illustrated, Volume 9, No. 214, Page 269, August 31, 1945.
When this country faced invasion, after the withdrawal of the B.E.F. from France by way of Dunkirk, in 1940, prompt and serious consideration had to be given to the safety of Their Majesties and the two Princesses. How they were protected remained a secret until June 7, 1945.
A special bodyguard was formed of eight officers of the Brigade of Guards. To these fell the duty of safeguarding the Royal Family in the event of mass invasion. The chosen eight were known as the Coates Mission - after James Coates, commanding officer of the holding battalion of the Coldstream Guards - and one of their number was posthumously awarded the V.C. on the day that the secret of the Coates Mission was made public. He was Lieut. I. O. Liddell. He had remained with the Mission until danger of invasion had passed, going back then to his regiment and taking part in the fighting in Normandy within a fortnight of D-Day. Seventeen days after the action which won him the V.C. a German sniper's bullet laid him low. He died without knowing that the greatest military award this country can bestow was his.
As the Nazi Reich lay in its death agonies, Goebbels offered to play Judas to his master, Adolf Hitler, and take over the leadership of a reorganized German Government which would conclude an armistic
For nearly two years of the war the Royal Navy used a fleet of wooden warships fitted with dummy guns to hoax enemy reconnaissance aircraft and bombers. They were merchant ships with elaborate superst
As the Nazi Reich lay in its death agonies, Goebbels offered to play Judas to his master, Adolf Hitler, and take over the leadership of a reorganized German Government which would conclude an armistic
“It is now for Japan to realize in the glare of the first atomic bomb which has smitten her”, declared Mr. Churchill in a memorandum issued from 10, Downing St., on August 6, 1945, “what the con