The War Illustrated, Volume 9, No. 215, Page 300-301, September 14, 1945.
There recently fell into British hands a document which now can be regarded as grimly humorous. Entitled "The Military Administration of England", it was a close secret of the German High Command. From it we learn that Hitler had planned to complete the occupation of this country before September 9, 1940, and it was to be transformed into Germany's main war workshop.
Weapons were to be produced under Nazi direction for the Battle of Russia. To prevent sabotage Field-Marshal von Brauchitsch, then C.-in-C. of all German forces, ordered that the entire male population between 17 and 45 should be deported to the Continent and interned, as soon as possible after Britain was defeated. They were presumably to be distributed on the Continent as slave labourers, and German workers sent to this country to keep the war machine operating with the minimum interruption.
This blue-print for Britain in defeat was mapped out a year before Hitler invaded Russia by a staff of administration experts working under the direct guidance of Von Brauchitsch and General Halder, the chief of staff of the German High Command. Only 195 copies of the document were printed, 78 were distributed among high Nazi authorities and Army officers, the remainder reserved for the archives of the High Command.
Von Brauchitsch, who was relieved of his command by Hitler soon after the Stalingrad debacle, issued a directive that "the chief task of the military administration in England will be to use all the resources of the country for the German war economy". In the German idiom, "England", usually signifies Great Britain, and the document probably applied to all areas of the United Kingdom. Here are some other regulations outlined in the document:
Any person impeding the German war effort in Britain by starting hostilities will be treated as a guerilla and shot. Hostages will be taken as a "security" measure. National laws in force before the occupation will be maintained only if they are not contrary to the purposes of the occupation. The country's state of health will be considered important only as a safeguard for the resources of the country, and non-fraternization policy for the troops will be enforced on a limited scale.
In conversation with the population the utmost reserve is ordered. The enemy's intelligence service will be active, and any fraternization might therefore have severe consequences. Any violence against the population, and looting, will be a Military Court offence and punishable by death. Monuments will be protected. There will be compulsory acceptance of German State banknotes and coins. The rate of exchange will be 9.6 marks to the pound (the pound would thus have been debased to a value of 13s. 7d., according to pre-war exchange rates).
Ail public utilities, including gas, electricity, the railways and objects of art will be under the special protection of the Army. Sabotage will include the concealment of harvest products. The concealment of firearms, including shot-guns and other hunting arms, will be punishable by death. Severe punishment will be passed by military courts on civilians who associate with prisoners of war, make slurring remarks about the German Army of Occupation or its commanders, circulate pamphlets or organize meetings.
Industrial concerns, and commercial firms, including banks, must be kept open. Closing without adequate reason will be severely punished. German soldiers can purchase what they desire. Instead of cash payment, in many cases, they can issue certificates for the value of the purchase. A military court can use its discretion in trying persons under 18, but may pass death sentence if it sees fit.
Listening to non-German radio broadcasts is a punishable offence. Excepted are non-German radio stations which have been permitted by the occupation army. The death sentence can be passed on persons retaining radio transmitters. A curfew will be imposed from sunset to sunrise.
The following commodities will be requisitioned: Agricultural products of all kinds, ores, mica, asbestos, precious and semi-precious stones, fuel, rubber, textiles, leather and timber. Farmers and dealers, including innkeepers, may only dispose of agricultural products in quantities necessary for the most urgent needs of consumers.
Britain was to be divided into districts in the charge of army commanders, who were to act as "governors". Subordinated to them were field and town units. The document finally reveals that astonishingly intricate arrangements had been completed for our economic enslavement.
"An army economic staff will function under the direct orders of the C.-in.C. of the Army", it states. "It will be installed in all harbours and industrial centres, and will have charge of transporting raw materials and competed war equipment. Immediately upon the defeat of England, administration staffs will join the Armies of Occupation. They will be made up of experts on food, agriculture and industrial production."
– A.P. Dispatch from Hamburg.
For nearly two years of the war the Royal Navy used a fleet of wooden warships fitted with dummy guns to hoax enemy reconnaissance aircraft and bombers. They were merchant ships with elaborate superst
Among recruiting suggestions considered in the early days of the Commandos was whether it would be better to use real toughs or gangsters either from the United States or British cities rather than so
For nearly two years of the war the Royal Navy used a fleet of wooden warships fitted with dummy guns to hoax enemy reconnaissance aircraft and bombers. They were merchant ships with elaborate superst
Among recruiting suggestions considered in the early days of the Commandos was whether it would be better to use real toughs or gangsters either from the United States or British cities rather than so