The War Illustrated, Volume 1, No. 4, Page 114, October 7, 1939.
The Fighter Command, R.A.F., consists of home defence squadrons equipped with aircraft specially designed to intercept raiders at the earliest possible moment. Such aircraft must necessarily be enormously powerful and capable of outstanding performances in climb, speed and manoeuvrability. Their armament, too, must be deadly, and the five-mile-a-minute Hurricanes have in their wings eight fixed machine-guns, aimed by directing the aeroplane at its target. A feature of the Hurricane, now general in aircraft design, is the retractable under-carriage, the landing wheels being withdrawn into the wings, adding appreciably to the speed. All fighters and bombers are now camouflaged in green and brown "shadow shading."
Designated by Hitler as heir-apparent to the Leadership of the Reich, Marshal Goring’s pronouncements may be taken as a true reflection of the official Nazi standpoint. Here is his first war-time spee
Exclusive to The War Illustrated is this first-hand story of the sinking of H.M. Aircraft Carrier "Courageous" on September 17. It is told by R.F.R. 1572 Marine M. Reidy, who was called up from his jo