The War Illustrated, Volume 2, No. 44, Page iii, July 5, 1940.
Canada has in store over 279,624,000 bushels of wheat – twice as much as at the corresponding period last year.
A purse for the first British airman who shoot down either of Mussolini's sons is offered by "The Panama American".
Peter Kane, former world's fly-weight boxing champion, is now serving with the R.A.F.
Five D.S.O.s were awarded for the Dunkirk achievement. Of these the 12th Lancers received three.
The Orzel ("Eagle"), the Polish submarine that escaped from Gdynia, has been lost. The remaining Polish submarine is the Wilk ("Wolf")
Schoolboys are to help by working on the land between leaving school and joining up for military service.
Fifty girls from the famous Roedean School, Brighton, are leaving for Canada, where they will be welcomed by Edgehill School, Windsor, Nova Scotia.
The Fuehrer ordered on the signing of the armistice by the French that flags should be flown throughout the Reich for ten days and church bells rung for seven days.
British naval forces disposed of seven Italian submarines during the first two weeks of the war with Italy.
General Huntziger, who signed the armistice on behalf of France, was responsible for building up the French colonial forces in Africa.
The British Government has accorded British nationality to all French soldiers, sailors and airmen in England to enable them to serve with H.M. Forces as though they were British.
Mr Churchill has sent a message to the Acting-Governor of Malta praising the island for its "resolute defence" through over forty air attacks.
France was beaten by Fifth Columnists, says General Duval. "We were not beaten by the Germans, but by all the agents of treason sent into France."
"The pattern of German aims can now be recognized", says the "New York Post". "Each Nazi conquest is used to strengthen the war machine for new aggression."
Argentina is to spend £27,000,000 on her navy and over £32,000,000 on her army. A big naval dockyard is to be constructed.
The Pétain Government are drawing up plans for the rebuilding of the devastated areas, which are several times greater than those of the last war.
Disused Borough Tube at Southwark has been adapted as an air-raid shelter. Built in 1902, it is some 70 ft. below ground and will accommodate 11,000 people.
Whistling and screaming bombs used by the Germans have small metal tubes like organ pipes welded to the fins. The rush of air through them as the bomb falls causes a high-pitched, screaming whine.
The two towers of the Crystal Palace, all that remained after the fire of December 1936, are to be demolished. The towers are 284 ft. in height and contain about 1,600 tons of cast-iron which will be used for armaments.
Japan's request to Britain that she should stop sending war materials to China has caused some surprise, since most people thought all war materials were required by Britain.
Three former Prime Ministers of France, M. Herriot, M. Paul-Boncour and M. Leon Blum, are said to be in England.
Air raid warnings will, in future, not be sounded in industrial areas in Germany. Workers are to continue until they hear anti-aircraft fire, when they are to seek shelter.
"Seavacuated", another new word, has been added to our wartime vocabulary, denoting the evacuation of children overseas. The United States are prepared to welcome 50,000 children and mothers.
Sweden plans to build an oil pipeline from Petsamo to Lulea in Sweden by which half Sweden's oil-fuel requirements would be satisfied. The cost will be £1,000,000.
Forty-eight out of fifty-three German prisoners of war listed in one week belong to the German Air Force.
On Tuesday, June 18, Mr. Churchill warned the country that increased air attacks by the Germans were to be expected immediately, and that same night and the following night raiders attacked military a
From time immemorial Man has sheltered in fortresses designed to withstand a long siege and to resist the strongest weapons of the age. Though every Great War in Europe for generations past has shown