The War Illustrated, Volume 3, No. 47, Page 72, July 26, 1940.
Towards the close of a beautiful day (July 14) - one so clear that from Kent's shore the white cliffs of France could be clearly seen - a convoy of Allied merchantmen was steaming steadily up Channel. Suddenly forty dive-bombing Junkers, escorted by Messerschmitt fighters, plunged out of the sky.
Some impression of the dramatic scene is conveyed in this photograph taken when the battle was at its height. On the right, two bombs have fallen just astern of an escorting destroyer; note the huge column of water from one burst. The small white splashes mark the impact of bomb fragments, while white puffs proceed from the destroyer's belching A.A. guns.
Nine of the Nazi warplanes were shot down into the sea, but no damage was caused to our ships. The convoy continued on its way Photo, British Newsreel Assn. Film.
Said Mr. Churchill on June 19th, 1940, "The enemy is crafty, cunning and full of novel treacheries and strategies." Parachutists – once airily discounted as on offensive arm – have already proved thei
Our Hurricane and Spitfire fighters, with a rate of fire of 9,600 round per minute from their eight machine-guns, are superior to the German fighters, which in fact they almost disregard in attacking