Volume 1 - No. 5 - October 14, 1939

The first surface naval engagement of the war was a raid by Nazi warplanes on a section of Britain's Navy, on patrol in the North Sea. The Germans claimed it as a famous victory until Mr. Churchill ef
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Full index of this magazine
- Jottings from My Wartime Diary
- Poland Fought On, 'Bloody But Unbowed'
- They Stood by Poland to the End
- Soviet Power in the Ukraine, Baltic and Poland
- Rumania's Premier Pays The Price
- Daladier, the Strong Man of France
- Watch and Ward on the West
- How the People Were Numbered
- How Britain is Winning the U-Boat War
- Battleships Beat the Bombers
- Words That History Will Remember
- Our War Gazetteer
- Mr. Briton'll See It Through
- Nazi Gangsters Bank the 'Swag'
- America's First Reactions to the European War
- Sir Nevile Among the Nazis
- Women Leaders in the Nation's Effort
- Changes in the London Scene: Then and Now
- There is Safety in Sandbags
- Odd Facts About the War
- I Was There! - I Went Across with the 'New Contemptibles'
- I Was There! - We Were Saved by R.A.F. Flying Boats
- I Was There! - How We Escaped From Poland
- I Was There! - The First Rescue by Seaplane in Naval History
- I Was There! - I Saw Fighting from a Foreign Frontier
- There Is Still Chivalry Between Fighting Airmen
- Our Diary of the War
- The Free Peoples Rise
- It Is Said That...
- Our Who's Who of the War