The War Illustrated, Volume 3, No. 53, Page 250, September 6, 1940.
The Victoria Cross has been awarded to 2nd Lieut. R. W. Annand, Durham Light Infantry, for most conspicuous gallantry on May 13-16, 1940, when the platoon under his command was on the south side of the River Dyle, astride a blown bridge. During the night a strong attack was beaten off, but about 11 a.m. the enemy again launched a violent attack and pushed forward a bridging party into the sunken bottom of the river; 2nd Lieut. Annand attacked this party, but when ammunition ran out he went forward himself over open ground, with total disregard for enemy mortar and machine-gun fire. Reaching the top of the bridge, he drove out the party below, inflicting over 20 casualties with hand grenades. Having been wounded, he rejoined his platoon, had his wound dressed, and then carried on in command. During the evening another attack was launched, and again 2nd Lieut. Annand went forward with hand grenades and inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy. When the order to withdraw was received he withdrew his platoon, but learning on the way back that his batman was wounded and had been left behind, he returned at once to the former position and brought him back in a wheelbarrow before losing consciousness as the result of wounds.
The first bombing of the Dortmund-Ems Canal, one of Germany's great inland waterways, was announced on July 17, and Flight Lieutenant Learoyd was engaged in these operations. The feat for which he was
On September 3rd it was announced that the posthumous award of a V.C., the tenth of the present war, had been made to Leading Seaman Jack Foreman Mantle, of H.M.S. Foylebank, a 5,600-ton motor ship of
French Ships to be Demobilized After France surrendered there arose problems concerning the future of three French naval vessels – the aircraft carrier "Béarn", the cruiser "Emile Bertin", and the
C.S.M. Gristock, of the Norfolk Regiment, was awarded the V.C. for most conspicuous gallantry on May 21, 1940, when his company was holding a position on the line of the River Escaut, south of Tournai