By D.S. MacColl
The War Illustrated, Volume 3, No. 54, Page 280, September 13, 1940.
Outnumbered, trapped, "invaded", unbefriended,
She conquered in the air
Yet one more post of empire, and transcended
The seas, her ancient share;
By sons from near and far redeemed anew,
By hundreds against myriads defended,
"So many by so few."
- The Times
If once we feared that Fear itself might come, A lodger with a retinue of slaves, (Despair, misgiving, doubt, and other knaves) To make within our soul their shameful home, Like some dishonourable
If with parachute and gun The Nazis come and I get one, Richer for his blood will blow Kentish flowers which we know On some sunny slope whereby We encounter, he and I; Or stronger some dog-dais
Alarming, indeed, was the experience of some dwellers in a South London suburb during a daylight air raid, when it appeared as if a Heinkel must crash straight into their house. So close did the 'plan
Inspecting raid damage in London on September 10, Mr. Churchill sympathized with auxiliary firemen who had been on duty for many hours. "Never mind, sir", said one of them. "It's all in the day's work