The War Illustrated, Volume 4, No. 83, Page 347, April 4, 1941.
"The Battle of the Atlantic", said Mr. Churchill on March 18 in his speech at thee luncheon give in London in honour of Mr. John G. Winant, the new American Ambassador, "we must regard as one of the momentous ever fought in all the annals of war. ... It must be won beyond all doubt if the declared policies of the Government and people of the United States are not to be forcibly frustrated. Not only German U-boats, but German battle cruisers have crossed to the American side of the Atlantic and have already sunk some of our independently routed ships not sailing in convoy. They have sunk these ships as far west as the 42nd meridian.
"Over here upon the approaches to our island an intense and unrelenting struggle is being waged to bring in the endless stream of munitions and food without which our war effort cannot be maintained. Our losses have risen for the time being, and we are applying our fullest strength and resource, and all the skill and science we can command, in order to meet this potentially mortal challenge. But our strength is growing every week. The American destroyers which reached us in the autumn and winter are increasingly coming into action. Our flotillas are growing in number. Our air power over the island and over the seas is growing fast. We are striking back with increasing effect."
Here is another first-hand story of the R.A.F. units who are cooperating with the Greeks on the Albanian front. It depicts the difficult climatic conditions under which they work and, like earlier sto
The Corps Féminin Français, an organization which bears the same relationship to the Free French Forces of General de Gaulle as the A.T.S. does to the British Army, was formed on November 7, 1940. Its