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Orden Krasnogo Znameni

The Order was instituted August 1st, 1924 and was the first Sovjet Order. It first appeared in 1918 as the Order of the Red Banner of the Russian Federation and received its present name after the formation of the Union of Socialist Republics in 1922. It may be awarded to anyone, whether military or civilian or to any military unit of the USSR for conspicious bravery, self-sacrifice in war time or some action that contributed greatly to the success of the Red Army, Navy or Air Force and can be awarded more than once. The four fleets of the Soviet Navy, the Northern, Black Sea, Baltic and Pacific Fleets and the Caspian Sea Flotilla have each been awarded this Order for their service during the Great Patriotic War, 1941 to 1945.
The badge is a laurel wreath with the Red flag, bearing the words 'Proletarii vsekh stran soedinyaites'(Workers of all countries unite) in Cyrillic draped over its upper part. Within the wreath, on a white background, an image of a hammer and plow. In the centre of the wreath a red star with in its centre an image of a hammer and sickle. Below it, on a red riband the initials C.C.C.P. (Russian for USSR).

There have been different types. The types can be identified by the way they were attached. Type 1 and Type 2 were screwback versions and Type 3 and higher are suspended from a five-sided hanger. These variants can again be identified by the way the mint mark has been engraved on the back. Type 1 bears no mint mark, only a number. Type 2 bears a mint mark and a number. Types 3 and 4 can be determined because the mint mark on Type 3 has been placed in one line and on Type 4 in two. Most World War Two decorations were of Type 2 and Type 3.

Abankin, Pavel Sergeyevich* September 5th, 1902
† August 15th, 1965

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Panfilov, Ivan Vasilyevich01-01-189318-11-1941
Paramoshkin, Pavel Ivanovich27-06-191411-01-1988more
Parkhomenko, Victor Alexandrovich29-09-190511-11-1997more
Pavlov, Dmitry Grigoryevich23-10-189722-07-1941more
Penkovsky, Oleg Vladimirovich23-04-191916-05-1963more
Perederiy, Stepan Dmitriyevich00-00-190909-08-1942
Peresypkin, Ivan Terentyevich18-06-190412-10-1978more
Petrov, Pavel Gavrilovich30-08-190627-08-1944
Petrov, Vasily Ivanovich02-01-1917 
Petrushin, Nikolay Vasilyevich20-07-190001-01-1945
Philby, Harold Adrian Russell "Kim"01-01-191211-05-1988
Pika, Heliodor03-07-189721-06-1949more
Pilyutov, Potr Andreyevich23-12-190624-03-1960more
Plotkin, Mikhail Nikolayevich02-05-191207-03-1942
Plotnikov, Pavel Artemyevich04-03-192014-12-2000more
Podanev, Yegor Fodorovich11-02-192501-02-1945
Pogodin, Dmitry D.11-09-190713-09-1943
Pokhodayev, Sergey Maksimovich00-00-190417-07-1942
Pokryshkin, Aleksandr Ivanovich06-03-191313-11-1985more
Poluboyarov, Pavel Pavlovich16-06-190118-09-1984more
Polyakov, Yevgeny Petrovich13-12-191016-02-1975more
Ponomarenko, Arkadiy Iosifovich16-09-190306-04-1963more
Popov, Markian Mikhaylovich15-11-190222-04-1969more
Potapov, Mikhail Ivanovich03-10-190226-01-1965more
Pouyade, Pierre25-07-191105-09-1979more
Poype, de la, Roland28-07-192023-10-2012more
Prokhorov, Vasiliy Ivanovich00-00-190000-00-1943
Proshlyakov, Aleksei Ivanovich18-02-190112-12-1973more
Proskurov, Ivan Iosifovich18-02-190728-10-1941
Pshennikov, Pyotr Stepanovich28-01-189528-12-1941
Pstygo, Ivan Ivanovich10-04-191823-02-2009
Pyadyshev, Konstantin Pavlovich00-12-189015-06-1944more
Pylayev, Yevgeniy Alekseyevich05-11-191905-09-1951more
